Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our Family of Four

Here is our growing family.
Harrison Henry Hardin
Born August 27th at 10:48pm, 7lbs 2oz 19in.
The next day we came home and Katelyn was barfing. Hope we all don't get sick.


Maryann said...

We need more pictures. Glad everyone is doing well

Sue Ellen said...

I'm glad Katelyn is feeling better today. Can hardly wait until be get there.

Sue Ellen said...

I'm glad Katelyn is feeling better today. Can hardly wait until be get there.

JLMartin said...

Brandon wants to know if Katelyn is sniffing Harrison. Congrats!

Mary W said...

You named him after Old Man Ford? haha, just kidding! Congrats!

darinangel said...

Katie, I totally thought of that.