Sunday, June 19, 2011

Convenient Father's Day

Smith's had a sale on their Deluxe brand ice cream, so we got Darin's favorite. Mint Chocolate Chip! I took one bite of his and said, "It tastes like toothpaste mint, gross." Darin agreed and said, "Now you don't have to brush your teeth." Thank you Father's Day!!!

PS. I still brushed my teeth.

PSS. If I was Jimmy Fallon I would say it like this. Thank you Smith's Deluxe brand ice cream, for tasting like toothpaste. Now I don't have to brush my teeth.


JLMartin said...'s PPS. hahaha.

JLMartin said...

I'm pretty sure that used to be your favorite kind of ice cream. Speaking of ice cream.... Joseph

Sue Ellen said...

That's what you get for eating mint anything:)

Amanda said...

Angel, you need to blog again!