Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another Blast from the Past

I bought this dress because it reminded me of Grandma T. I like to call it my Great Depression dress. I think it looks like I lived during that era, minus the watch.


herb said...

Love the pic in front of your "cabin". All you're missing is a hat and purse to make the look complete.

Angel said...

Dang I didn't even think of that.

Ben & Diane said...

Pretend this is American Idol and I'm Randy Jackson and your dress is up for judgement.

I don't know dawg......I mean, I don't know if it really does anything for me.......I mean, it's o.k..........I just don't know dawg.......I'm just keepin it real.

If you never watch American I dol this will mean nothing to you.

herb said...

I happened to run across a website that gave your photo that "patina" old look:

Here is the Website (in Japanese, but you'll know what to do):

Angel said...

That's pretty cool Herb. I think I should take another picture and not smile. It seems like people in that era did not smile as big as I did.

Anonymous said...

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Ruth said...

I think you have a real stalker! I am not the biggest fan of your dress, but you never asked me to wear it. I think the old picture is pretty cool.

JLMartin said...

angel? angel? where are you? its been a MONTH since you've posted!

Dawn said...

Hey Angel we have decided to join your long list of stalkers and are moving closer to you. Where in Boise do you live cuz I kindof need to know that to stalk I mean visit you when I am there. Love you! Dawn