I used to swim in this old pool twice a day when I visited with my Grandma Turberville. We would swim in the morning and the evening, all to avoid the hottest sun exposure. I also remember when Ruth was learning how to drive, so we piled in the van far an adventure, or should I say a flash of my life before my eyes. Dad was instructing her, so we drove down to this pool and came back. I also remember Joseph catching a little pool frog and bring it back to the house. Of course he lost it. I think we found the bones sometime later.

The old store is where I would take my Mom's change purse and cross the highway to buy candy like; bubble gum in a tube, candy cigarettes, and more bubble gum packaged to look like Major League Baseball chewing tobacco. What in the world was I thinking? I can't believe I bought candy that resembles habits I didn't or ever will have. I also don't know why I wasn't buying chocolate.

This house is where my Mom grew up and where I spent weeks at a time visiting my Grandma Turberville. I remember the hot summer nights with a fan blowing right on me and still sweating. I also remember waking up to Joseph screaming. He said there was a roach crawling on his face and he had picked it off and thrown it across the room. Sick, but I am sure that is not the only roach story from my grandma’s house. I also remember being scared to use the bathroom by myself after dark. I always thought there would be a ghost of a past relative to greet me. I would always ask my Grandma or someone else to take me.

This old church has been painted recently. It did not look like that when I went there. We walked down the street and go inside. It was filled with dead bugs and mice bones. There are side doors where black people would enter to go upstairs where they were allowed to sit. My cousins stuffed clothes and tied a rope to it and would throw it down to scare us. I must say it was pretty effective.
I was nice to visit these places and reminisce. I have many more memories, but I will have to save them for another time. If you have any to share feel free to comment.