Saturday, January 12, 2008

Snow in Rexburg, I mean Boise.

I didn't have my camera at the right time, so you can't see the blizzard that we had. When I left work I could not see even half a mile in front of me. Crazy! I thought I was back in Rexburg. Don't you wish you had this snow.

More fun pictures!

Fast Hamster

Emily's hamster is so litter and so fast. It was funny to watch it run in its wheel. It is so fast that it lost its footing and would flop around while the wheel was still spinning. Enjoy the laughs.

Bad candy!

I got this Big Reese's Peanut Butter Cup for Christmas. When I finally decided to open it and eat the deliciousness, I saw that it had a worm. Gross, I almost threw up. I am so mad. I am going to send these pictures to the Hershey company. Wish me luck.

Temple trips

Lisa and I went to the Birmingham and Atlanta Temples. It was nice to visit them.

Coke Museum, CNN, and Stone Mountain

Christmas in Alabama