Saturday, July 14, 2007

A few pictures from my recent work trip Oregon. It was pretty scenery but very dry in many parts. Just after this picture we had to stop because our brakes were overheating and smoking. I thought there might be a fire. Luckily some nice people stopped and helped us. No cell phone reception and in the middle of nowhere; now that is scary. I guess they don't call it Hells Canyon for nothing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th. Fireworks in Boise. I went to the park with Lisa and her brothers family. It was a great show, but Epcot is better. As we were walking I was singing the America song (that is for those of you who can appreciate it).

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

More pictures of my London trip. This is our mini me hotel room. Ya, I bought that shirt as a souvenir. "Mind the gap!" I had to pay someone a lot of money to make that sign for me. Nah, believe it or not there is a Tube stop named after me and even though it is a little out of the way I had to get this picture. The other picture is of Lisa and I riding the Tube to the airport. Josa I know you love it.